, Serving your home, farm and garden needs since 1890.
Eagle 20EW

We are very pleased to announce a new product.... Eagle 20EW. For years, rosarians have preferred "systhane" as the product of choice for killing and preventing powdery mildew. Unfortunately, the product was previously packaged only in a powder form and for a hefty price of more than $125. Now Rosemania has Systhane in a new liquid formula called Eagle 20EW. Usage is only 1/3 to 2/3 of one teaspoon per gallon. At $59.95 per pint, this product is now a bargain and an obvious choice to eliminate and prevent powdery mildew.

You know what you want from a turf and ornamental fungicide: powerful, lasting control of your worst problem diseases. That’s exactly what you get with the proven systemic activity of Eagle™ 20EW specialty fungicide. This liquid formulation of Eagle wipes out 19 turf-destroying diseases:

One Pint For Only

- Dollar Spot - Leaf Spot
- Brown Patch - Melting-Out
- Summer Patch - Powdery Mildew
- Anthracnose - Rusts
- Take-all Patch - Leaf Smuts
- Spring Dead Spot - Crown Rot
- Red Thread - Zoysia Large Patch
- Copper Spot - Septoria Leaf Spot
- Necrotic Ring Spot - Zonate Leaf Spot
- Fusarium Blight

Can not ship to Ca..
Order Line: 1-877-463-6697

131 Eaton St.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 963-6183 | Fax: (770) 963-9477 | Order Line: 877-463-6697
Store Hours (Eastern): M-F: 8:00-5:30, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed